2018.01-2018.07 沈阳农业大学畜牧兽医学院 讲师
2018.10-2021.08 星空体育平台官网 讲师
2021.09-至今 星空体育平台官网 副教授,博导
1. Z. Chen, Q.Y. Lu, X.L Zhang, Z.Y. Zhang, X. Cao, K. Wang, X.T Lu, Z.P. Yang, J.J Loor, P.X. Jiao*. Circ007071 Inhibits Unsaturated Fatty Acid Synthesis by Interacting with miR-103-5p to Enhance PPARγ Expression in the Dairy Goat Mammary Gland. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022, 70, 13719-13729. (中科院1区TOP, IF = 5.895)
2. M.M. Zhang, G.G. Liang, X.L. Zhang, X.T. Lu, X. Wang, W.Z. Yang, Y. Y, P.X. Jiao*. The gas production, ruminal fermentation parameters and microbiota in response to Clostridium butyricum supplementation on in vitro using a high forage substrate varying with media pH levels. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022. 13, 960923. (中科院2区TOP, IF = 6.064)
3. P.X. Jiao, Z.W. Wang, X. Wang, Y.N. Zuo, G.H. Hu, C.M. Lu, X.L. Xie, L. Wang, W.Z. Yang. Effect of Clostridium butyricum supplementation on in vitro rumen fermentation and microbiota with high grain substrate varying with media pH levels. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022, 13, 912042. (中科院2区TOP, IF = 6.064)
4. P.X. Jiao, M.M. Zhang, Z.W. Wang, G.G. Liang, X.L. Xie, Y.G. Zhang, Z. Chen, Q.M. Jiang, J.J. Loor. Circ003429 Regulates Unsaturated Fatty Acid Synthesis in the Dairy Goat Mammary Gland by Interacting with miR-199a-3p, Targeting the YAP1 Gene. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 4068. (中科院2区TOP, IF = 6.208)
5. M.M. Zhang#, P.X. Jiao#, X. Wang, Y.R. Sun, G.G. Liang, X.L. Xie, Y.G. Zhang. Evaluation of Growth Performance, Nitrogen Balance and Blood Metabolites of Mutton Sheep Fed an Ammonia-Treated Aflatoxin B1-Contaminated Diet. Toxins. 2022, 14, 361. (中科院2区, IF = 5.075)
6. M.M. Zhang, H.X. Bai, Y.F. Zhao, R.X. Wang, G.L. Li, Y.G. Zhang*, P.X. Jiao*. Effects of supplementation with lysophospholipids on performance, nutrient digestibility and bacterial communities of beef cattle. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2022, 9, 927369. (中科院2区, IF = 3.471)
7. P.X. Jiao, G.H. Hu, G.G. Liang, M.M. Chen, N. An, Z.W. Wang, H. Liu, H.J. Xing, X.L. Xie. Dietary supplementation with Macleaya cordata extract inclusion affects growth performance, rumen fermentation, bacterial communities, and immune responses of weaned lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2021, 282, 115127. (中科院2区, IF = 3.313)
8. P.X. Jiao, F.C. Ma, K.A. Beauchemin, O. AlZahal, X.L. Xie, and W.Z. Yang. Effect of mixed live yeast and lactic acid bacteria on in vitro fermentation with varying media pH using a high-grain or high-forage diet. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2021, 101, 370-380. (中科院4区, IF = 1.077)
9. P.X. Jiao, K.A. Beauchemin, F.C. Ma, O. AlZahal, X.L. Xie, W.Z. Yang. Effect of non-encapsulated and encapsulated active dried yeast on blood cell count, blood metabolites, and immune response of finishing beef heifers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2021, 101, 390-394. (中科院4区, IF = 1.077)
10. P.X. Jiao, Y. Yuan, M.M. Zhang, Y.R. Sun, C.Z. Wei, X.L. Xie, Y.G. Zhang, S.T. Wang, Z. Chen, X.L. Wang. PRL/microRNA-183/IRS1 Pathway Regulates Milk Fat metabolism in Cow Mammary Epithelial Cells. Genes. 2020, 11, 196. (中科院3区, IF = 4.141)
11. T. Ran#, P.X. Jiao#, O. AlZahal, X.L. Xie, K.A. Beauchemin, D.Y. Niu, W.Z. Yang. Fecal bacterial community of finishing beef steers fed ruminally protected and non-protected active dried yeast. Journal of Animal Science. 2020, 98, 1-10. (中科院2区TOP, IF = 3.338)
12. P.X. Jiao, C.Z. Wei, Y.R. Sun, X.L. Xie, Y.G. Zhang, S.T. Wang, G.H. Hu, O. AlZahal, W.Z. Yang*. Screening of live yeast and yeast derivatives for their impact of strain and dose on in vitroruminal fermentation and microbial profiles with varying media pH levels in high‐forage beef cattle diet. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2019, 99, 6751-6760. (中科院2区TOP, IF = 4.125)
13. P.X. Jiao, Z.X. He, S. Ding, Y. Y. Cong, N. Walker, F.Z. Liu, W.Z. Yang*. Impact of strain and dose of live yeast and yeast derivative on in vitro ruminal fermentation of a high-grain diet at two pH levels. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2018, 98, 477-487. (中科院4区, IF = 1.077)
14. P.X. Jiao, L.Y. Wei, N.D. Walker, F.Z. Liu*, L.Y. Chen, W.Z. Yang*. Comparison of non-encapsulated and encapsulated active dried yeast on ruminal pH and fermentation, site and extent of feed digestion in beef heifers fed high-grain diet. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2017, 228, 13-22. (中科院2区, IF = 3.313)
15. P.X. Jiao, F. Z. Liu*, K.A Beauchemin, W.Z. Yang*. Impact of strain and dose of lactic acid bacteria on in vitro ruminal fermentation with varying media pH levels and feed substrates. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 2017, 224, 1-13. (中科院2区, IF = 3.313)
1. P.X. Jiao, F. Liu, Z.X. He, S. Ding, N.D. Walker, K.A Beauchemin, T.W. Alexander, W.Z. Yang. Screening for effects of live yeast or yeast derivative on dry matter disappearance in batch culture. ASAS-ADSA-CSAS-WSASAS Joint Annual Meeting 2016, Salt Lake City, USA. Journal of Animal Science, Supplement 5; Champaign Vol. 94, (Oct 2016): 676. doi: 10.2527/jam2016-1397.
2. P.X. Jiao, F.Z. Liu, S. Ding, N.D. Walker, W.Z. Yang. Effect of supplementation of rumen protected live yeast on site and extent of digestion in the digestive tract of beef heifers fed high-grain diet. In Proc. the 2016 Symposium on Gut Health in Production of Food Animals, Nov 14-16, St. Louis, MI.
3. P.X. Jiao, F. Liu, S. Ding, N.D. Walker, W.Z. Yang. Comparison of ruminal protected versus nonprotected live yeast on omasal flows, site and extent of digestion in the digestive tract of beef heifers fed high-grain diet. ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show 2017, Journal of Animal Science, supplement 4;ChampaignVol. 95,(Aug 2017): 317. doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.647.
4. P.X. Jiao, F. Liu, S. Ding, N.D. Walker, W.Z. Yang. Effects of adding live yeast or yeast derivative on dry matter disappearance of high-forage diet in batch culture. ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting & Trade Show 2017, Journal of Animal Science, supplement 4; Champaign Vol. 95 ,(Aug 2017): 322. doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.657.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,25万元,2020-2022,主持
2. “十四五”国家重点研发计划子课题,54万元,2023-2028,主持
3. 黑龙江省自然科学基金优青项目,10万元,2021-2024,主持
4. 江苏省高校家畜种质资源与遗传改良国际合作联合实验室开放课题,5万元,2022-2024,主持
5. 江苏省动物遗传繁育与分子设计重点实验室开放性课题,3万元,2020-2022,主持
6. 黑龙江省博后基金面上项目,5万元,2021-2023,主持
本科生课程: 养羊学
美国动物科学协会(American Society of Animal Science)会员
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Animal Feed Science and Technology、Animal Microbiome、Foods等杂志审稿人